The Fear of God

Sunday December 2, 2012

Prophetic words were spoken over several individuals in the church. Also Sydney talks about the Armada Network and what it’s all about.  He requests that we pray for three specific things: 1.) Pray for open doors. 2.) Pray for finances. 3.) Pray for workers to go through the open doors. The doers of the Word are the people that get results. A set of wrong beliefs will lead to disaster. The secret to life is the fear of God. The fear of God will keep you from lawlessness but the love of God will keep you from legalism. The fear of God is an awareness, respect, awe, and honor of God. It is not fear of man, death or judgement. 1 John 4:18 says that perfect love casts out fear. Casualness in attitide towards God is a sin.

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