Keys To Evangelism Part 1
Keys To Evangelism Part 2
God’s Provision
Equipping The Believer Part 1
Equipping The Believer Part 2
The Foundation of Evangelism
Evangelism: What God Expects in Evangelism & How He Sees You
Evangelizing By Making Disciples
Abiding in Christ and Hearing His Voice
Steps Into The Supernatural
Evangelism Part 1
In Luke 8:14, Jesus gave a parable about four different types of soils. The four types of soils represent four kinds of hearts and there is a hidden key in each one. The third kind of soil is the thorny soil. The reason there is thorny soil is because there are weeds. The thorny soil is soil of the soul. Once a person becomes saved his spirit is reborn not his soul. Once the spirit is reborn it cannot sin. The way we weed the garden of our heart is by getting our soul saved. It is a spiritual progress.
Evangelism Part 2
We have a command from Jesus to go into all the world and preach the Gospel. If we aren’t doing what God told us to do then we are in sin. It is time the church and believers wake up according to 1 Corinthians 15:34 and Ephesians 5:14. The heart and soul of evangelism is abiding in Jesus(John 15:5). A believer cannot bear fruit if he isn’t abiding in Jesus. It is the will of God that we are productive in evangelism.
Evangelism Part 3
God made man so He can have fellowhip. We aren’t just His favorite or smartest pet, instead we are created in His image and likeness. We are the offspring of God. We are not just adopted into His family, we have His DNA. In John 15 it says that we cannot bear fruit unless we abide in Jesus. How do we abide in Jesus? Abiding in Jesus means spending time with Him. How much you love the Word of God is how much you love God. When Jesus was on the earth He got up morning by morning to meet with God. Jesus increased in wisdom , knowledge, stature and favor with God and man. Are you too busy to meet with God? If you make a habit of meeting with God morning by morning, God will open your spiritual ears. He will show and tell you things to come.