2 Tim. 2:15 We are not only to read the Word of God but to study it. Studying the Word gives us revelation. God reveals himself to us through His Word. It pleases God when we study. We are approved. The Strong’s concordance and e-sword are very useful tools to study the Word.
How to Study the Word of God
God’s Plan For Man
It all begins in the book of Beginnings ( Genesis ). Many times in the first chapter it repeats ” God said ” God. was setting an example for us on how much our words mean. Our words carry life and death. Prov. 18:21. God’s perfect plan and will are revealed to us in the garden. He created man in his likeness and image. What does it mean to be created in the likeness of God. An egg is a great example of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. If we are God’s children (sons) and He is our Father and we have been born again, we are a part of Him. This makes us like Him as we were created ” In His Likeness “. We have authority over this world and things in this world. We are the same species – if you will – that God is.
Unity of Husband and Wife
Gen. 2 God took Adam’s rib and made a helpmate. The hebrew word for rib means “side” God took the female side of Adam and created women. God has both male and female attributes. When we are in unity with our husband or wife we are one in our decisions. We are in tune with each other and then can line up with His Spirit and become a powerful force in the earth. A threefold coard is not easily broken. When we agree in prayer together the word says He will do it. Matt. 18:19 Dwight shares his own personal expeirances when he and his wife did not agree and things did not work out good. When they agreed miracles happened. Glory to God!!
Hearing the Voice of the Lord
We are one with God. We are the same specie’s God is. We were created in his likeness and image. God wants to fellowship with us. Prayer is not a one way street. We are to quiet ourselves and listen to the Holy Spirit. Rom. 8:14-17. The Sons of God are led by His Spirit. There is communication and fellowship. We are spirit and the Holy Spirit searches our hearts and reveals his will for us. The Spirit guides and teaches through His Word and Spirit. He does not communicate with us through circumstances, He communicates by his Spirit to our spirit. Dwight gave his testimony how God led him by His Spirit.